| |
kenwood 440 mods
warning never do these!!
Type: |
Amateur HF transceiver |
Frequency range: |
TX: 10-160 m + WARC
RX: 0.15-30 MHz |
Mode: |
RF Power output: |
Max 100 W (AM: 50 W) |
Sensitivity: |
N/A |
Selectivity: |
N/A |
Image rejection: |
N/A |
Voltage: |
12-16 VDC |
Current drain: |
RX: 1.9 A
TX: Max 20 A |
Impedance: |
50 ohms, SO-239 |
Dimensions (W*H*D): |
270*96*313 mm |
Weight: |
6.3 Kg |
Manufactured: |
1986-19xx |
Other: |
Auto-AT option.
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Circuit
Problem: Limited transmit frequency coverage.
Fix: Cut D80 on the Control Unit for 1.6MHz to 30MHz transmit
capability. D80 is about 2" from D66, which is cut for 10Hz frequency
readout. |

Problem: Lack of crispness in the RX audio,
which makes the sibilant parts of human speech hard to
distinguish from each other. This is caused by a p;5db
roll-off at 3000Hz in the RX audio.
Fix: Change C51 [0.033µF] on the IF Unit, near
L5, to .005µF [5000pF/5nF]. This will reduce the
roll-off to a more acceptable p;1.4db at 3000Hz. "After
modification, the RF Gain control should be backed off [CCW]
until the band/sky-noise decreases to a comfortable
listening level. This will not interfere with the
reception of moderately weak signals.
Problem: Even while listening on a large,
external speaker, music sounds flat and tinny because
the audio frequency response rolls off below 200Hz.
Fix: There are a number of capacitors in the RX
audio amplifier circuits that can be increased in
capacitance to restore the low-end audio. These
capacitors are in the IF Unit. They are: C60, C66. C67,
C69, C170 and C175. The increase in capacitance should
be 4 times. {Note: Some capacitors in the audio
circuitry can not be arbitrarily increased in value
without causing unacceptable tradeoffs.} C175 can be
replaced with a 1000µF, 10V unit, whose full-length
leads are sheathed in Teflon sleeving, except for the
last 8mm, to allow soldering to the PC board. This is
done because the board-space allotment for the stock
C175 is too small for the larger, replacement unit. The
new capacitor is folded over and tucked in
Problem: Tinny/thin-sounding transmit audio.
Fix On the IF Unit, change C135 {0.1µF}, near the
center-board fastening screw, to 0.47µF.
Problem: The stock, muRata CFJ455K14 SSB
filter in the 455KHz IF has a selectivity shape-factor
of 2 to 1. This is definitely less than wonderful. The
stock SSB filter in the TS-830S and TS-940S has about
the same bandwidth at minus 50db, but it has a much
better shape factor and it is mechanically and
electrically interchangeable with the stock filter in
the TS-440S. The better filter is a muRata CFJ455K12 or
CFJ455V12, which will noticeably improve the transmit
and receive, SSB audio quality of the TS-440S. This
filter is available from Trio-Kenwood as p/n:
L72-0333-05 for $42.89 {Dec 1989}. If you want SSB
double-filtering in the 440's RX, the TS-940S' matching,
8.83MHz, YK-88-S1, 2.7kHz SSB filter is available from
Trio-Kenwood as p/n L71-0222-05]. for $66.62 {Dec 1989}.
This filter goes in the optional SSB filter space on the
IF Unit. For listening to an uncastrated-male voice, the
YK-88-S1 will produce better-sounding, and more
understandable, audio than the Kenwood-recommended
optional YK-88-S, 2.4kHz filter. A pair of TS-940 SSB
filters will give the 440 the same superb selectivity
that comes with the 940. |

Alignment: Supply a signal to the receiver.
Set the TS-440S' selectivity switch to M2, the single
filter position. The USB and LSB carrier oscillators
[DIP switches on Control Unit] should be reset so that
there is roughly 20db of RX, SSB carrier-suppression for
each sideband at zerobeat. [use the 440's 20db ATTN as a
standard] {Use 15db rolloff at zero-beat for more
low-end audio, or 25db roll-off for more high-end audio
and/or better unwanted sideband suppression} This
completes the alignment of the carrier oscillators. >>>
If you installed BOTH filters: on LSB tune the 440 above
the calibrator's zerobeat frequency and note the 20db
(or the roll-off db you used above) roll-off point. This
should be around 3.1KHz, ±200Hz higher than zerobeat.
Put this frequency & LSB into VFO B. Put the zerobeat
frequency & LSB into VFO A. With the Selectivity switch
set to M1 [double SSB filter], the 8.375MHz oscillator
on the IF Unit is adjusted [TC2, in the lower left
corner of the PC board] so that the improved skirt
selectivity on the double filter position is equally
distributed between the zerobeat 20db rolloff point [VFO
A] and the high-frequency 20db rolloff point [VFO B].
The comparison can be done by watching the S meter and
repeatedly pushing the A/B button on the 440. [use fast
AGC to reduce settling time] Note 1: TC2 is installed
backwards on the PC board so that the rotor adjustment
slot on TC2 is hot instead of grounded. This causes the
capacitance of TC2 to change when a metal screwdriver is
used to make the adjustment.
To fix this problem, TC2 is removed, reversed 180
degrees and re-soldered on the PC board. Note 2: see IF
Unit schematic, CF2, the AM filter. There is a 1K Ohm
resistor [R49] in series with the input [D13] to the
filter. This resistor provides a closer impedance match
between the 2000 Ohm filter and the source [L4]. A
similar resistor can be installed in series with D12 at
the input to CF1.
Problem: RX audio distortion. {This problem
seems to be more prevalent in early production radios.
There may have been a recent factory component change to
reduce receive distortion.} There is one designed-in
source of distortion and several other possible sources
of distortion. The designed-in source of distortion
exists because not enough forward bias current is
applied to the switch diodes that select the SSB [D23] ,
AM [D24] , and FM [D25] audio detectors. Here's why: A
mixer is a nonlinear device. Nonlinearity and distortion
go hand in hand. Diodes make good mixers when their
forward current is in the range of 0.05mA to about
0.6mA. At currents above 1.5mA, diodes are reasonably
linear and they make good switches. The switch diodes in
the TS-440S have enabling currents of from 0.2mA for FM
to 0.28mA for SSB, so the switch diodes are operating in
the region of maximum nonlinearity, which results in
distortion. The fix is simple: Increase the forward bias
DC-current through the diodes to roughly 2mA. This is
accomplished by decreasing the resistance of each
DC-bias resistor to about 1k Ohm. When these resistors
are decreased in value, the 5000 Ohm impedance of the
low-level audio circuits decreases to about 500 Ohms and
the values of the coupling capacitors must be increased
accordingly to prevent a rolloff of the low frequencies.
Similarly, the resistors that are in series with the
audio signals in these circuits must be decreased in
value to offset signal attenuation. The capacitance of
the filter capacitors between switch diode bias
resistors (for SSB: C52, 4.7µF) must be increased to
compensate for the decreased value of the bias
Fix for SSB audio detector and D23 switch: In the
left, rear corner of the IF Unit, change: R71, R73, R74,
and R85 to 1k Ohm; C53 to 47µF, 10V [XL=68 Ohms at
50Hz]; C52 to 22µF, 16V.
I'm guessing that similar changes can be made in the AM
and FM detectors. This project can become tricky since
some of the needed changes can also affect the
transmit÷receive transition performance of the radio.
Thus, it may be necessary to compromise by lowering the
switch diode bias current to about 1mA. In general, this
can be done by using 2k Ohm, instead of 1k Ohm, bias
If, after the changes are incorporated, you can still
hear RX distortion on SSB, the problem may lie at the
[right-adjacent} product detector. Possible FIX: Install
the missing injection-oscillator terminating-resistor at
the product detector. This resistor is 62 Ohm, 1/8W or
1/4W. It is soldered under the IF Unit PC board, near
L5. The terminating-resistor is soldered to the junction
of R69 and R70 and the ground foil at the edge of the PC
board. If the distortion persists, you may have an
unmatched set of Germanium product-detector diodes: D19,
D20, D21, and D22. These diodes can be replaced with
Schottky diodes. The product detector balance should
then be checked and adjusted as follows: Connect an RF
detector to the emitter of Q9/R77. R77 sticks up from
the board at one end so that the test connection can be
easily made. The RF detector can be an oscilloscope,
detector/probe for a DMM, or a 455KHz receiver coupled
through a 10pF capacitor. With no signal input to the
ANT jack, turn the RF Gain on the 440 to zero. Set mode
to USB, IF Shift to detent. Adjust TC1 [also installed
backwards, like TC2] for minimum RF. End of test. Reset
the RF Gain control to normal.
Problem: AGC overshoot while receiving strong
SSB signals. The symptom is audio distortion on peaks
only. The distortion is reduced when the RF-gain control
is backed off.
Fix: On the RF Unit, near J13, near Q5, change
R42 from 470k Ohm to 10k Ohm. This speeds up the attack
response of the AGC.
Problem: TX frequency response is not the same
as RX frequency response with the IF Shift control set
on detent.
Fix: Connect a frequency counter to IF Unit, J26,
pin 2 and ground. With the IF Shift on detent, the
frequency [roughly 455kHz] of the carrier oscillator
should not change between TX and RX. If the frequency
changes, adjust VR7 until the frequencies are equal. VR7
is just behind the MIC pot and the top of the front
panel; it is mounted on a small, PC board.
Intermittents. The interconnecting wires in
the TS-440S are copper. The tin-plated single-row
connector pins that are crimped to these copper wires
form a dissimilar metal junction that is subject to
electrolytic action due to moisture in the air. Some of
these crimp connections may eventually fail to provide
electrical contact due to electrolysis.
Fix: Remove the defective connector pin by
depressing the ratchet-tab in the slot on the side of
the connector pin and pulling the freed pin from the
connector body. [The ratchet-tab can be depressed with a
small screwdriver.] The copper wire that protrudes past
the crimp is then electrically bonded to the pin with
solder or Silver Print [GC Electronics] conductive
paint. The wire/crimp junction should be inspected with
a magnifier before the pin is re-inserted into the
connector. If a wire/crimp junction is soldered instead
of being dabbed with conductive paint, it is difficult
to prevent the heat from melting the plastic insulation
on the wire. If soldering is the choice, the rosin flux
residue should be removed from the pin with alcohol, or
The same type of intermittent problem may also occur in
the coaxial connectors. The fix is to apply conductive
paint between the crimp on the center conductor pin and
the copper wire.
An intermittent frequency display or wandering SSB
receive frequency can be caused by a dirty
socket-to-chip contact on IC52 in the Control Unit.
On later production radios, IC52 may be soldered in.
The same symptoms can also be caused by a bad solder
connection on R152 in the 36MHz VCO [VCO #5] at the
front-center of the PLL Unit, near T20. Another common
problem with VCO5 is L41 [10µH] which apparently suffers
from an intermittent internal connection. L41 is potted,
so the best fix may be to replace it.
A very common problem with VCO5 is that the type
of glue that is used to mechanically bond the components
together appears to absorb moisture from the air (it is
hygroscopic). Since water has a dielectric constant of
79, its presence can cause much grief in an RF circuit.
Thus, the moisture that is absorbed into the glue can
cause the oscillator to unlock.
Fix: Remove the original glue with solvent and a
knife. If the glue is not replaced, VCO5 will exhibit
microphonic problems. Some types of clear hot-glue seem
to work well for replacing the original glue. Re-adjust
VCO5 after the glue has set up.
Problem: No direct access to RX input or RX
mute. These capabilities are necessary if the 440 is to
be used as a slave-receiver in conjunction with another
Fix: On the IF Unit, connect a wire from the base
of Q39 to J22, pin 2. Remove R176, near J22. On the
X41-1610-00, (M/14) Switch Unit at the rear of the 440,
jumper across R46 [10K Ohm]. The RX will now mute when
the FSK IN jack is grounded. {FSK TX is still possible
if the AFSK is fed into the MIC jack through a 10 to 1
voltage divider.} The receiver input access can be
brought out to the ACC 3 connector by connecting a 27
Ohm to 51 Ohm 1/4W resistor to J29, pin 2 on the
X41-1610-00, (N/14 ) Switch Unit. A short length of wire
connects the other end of the 1/4W resistor to the
center of the ACC 3 jack which is now the RX input. When
slaved to another transceiver through the transverter
port, this arrangement allows the operator to
simultaneously listen on 2 frequencies with stereo
earphones. This provides an advantage to the user when
working DX on split frequencies.
Problem: There is no way to adjust the
reference frequency oscillator with the case on. If the
frequency is adjusted with the case off, the frequency
will be different with the case on.
Fix: drill a 7mm to 8mm hole in the left side of
the bottom half of the case. The hole should line up
with TC1 on the PLL Unit. The position of the hole can
be located with the case in place. The horizontal
measurement is 122mm back from the edge of the front
panel that wraps around the left side of the radio. The
vertical measurement is 6mm below the edge of the top
half of the case that overlaps the bottom half of the
To adjust TC1: [You must have 10Hz readout enabled] Tune
to 10.00000 MHz WWV, USB or LSB. Select W [wide] on the
selectivity switch. Wait until the tone modulation is
present. You will hear both sidebands. If the 2 tones
are not the same, adjust TC1 until the tones zerobeat.
Problem: On QSK and on SSB VOX, it does no
good to back off the RF Gain control to reduce the
nuisance of static crashes or band noise. This is
because the factory stock receiver comes on full-bore
whenever the TS-440S transitions from TX to RX - even if
the RF Gain is backed off!
Fix: On the IF Unit, change R36, near Q5, to 2M
Ohm; change R60, near Q7, to 510K Ohm. ± a few standard
values will make little difference.
Problem: Your own transmit RF gets into the
TS-440S through the EXT SP jack and causes audio
rectification that is heard in the external speaker.
Fix: The sleeve/shield terminal on the EXT SP
jack should be bypassed to ground on the (G/14) Switch
Unit with a 2nF to 20nF, 500V, disc ceramic capacitor.
If the problem is most severe on 10 meters, try 2nF
[.002µF]. If the trouble is most severe on 80m or 40m,
try 20nF [.02µF].
Problem: You can hear distorted audio coming
out of the internal speaker while you are transmitting
on SSB.
Fix: Remove the top cover on the radio and
re-position the internal speaker wires away from the
area around the SSB filters. The speaker wires should be
confined to the area around the speaker plug on the IF
Unit. Also, keep the speaker wires away from the Control
Unit behind the digital display.
Problem: Key-clicks on CW. This is caused by
too fast (500µS) RF output rise [make] and fall [break]
Fix: On the IF Unit, change C168, near Q49, to
.22µF; change R225 to 33K Ohm-43K Ohm. {the factory's
"fix" for this problem is OK on make but it still clicks
on break}. Unfortunately, fixing the key-click problem
also seems to affect the full breakin make timing in the
440 which clips the first dit. Thus, if you want to use
the 440 on full, instead of semi, breakin, you must put
up with the key-clicks.
Problem: The amplifier-keying-relay, RY2 on
the (N/14) Switch Unit, makes too much noise, or the
contacts on RY2 have burned and pitted, or all of the
above. Another problem with RY2 is that it is too slow
to use with a full-QSK amplifier. This needless
make-delay can cause the amplifier to hot-switch,
burning the contacts in its QSK-relays.
Fix: replace RY2 with an NPN switching transistor
and fix the current pulse problem that pitted the relay
contacts, which may also damage the transistor. [only
works for amplifiers with positive voltage relay
control]. If your amplifier uses positive 110V for the
relay control, like the SB-220 and the TL-922, the relay
pitting is caused by the current pulse from the repeated
shorting out of the charged .02µF bypass capacitor
across the amplifier's relay control jack. The
bypass-capacitor can be removed if shielded wire is used
for the interconnection cable to the transceiver.
Another fix is to install a 150 Ohm to 200 Ohm, 1/4W
series resistor at the relay control jack to limit the
discharge current to a value that the relay or switching
transistor can handle. The bypass capacitor is connected
to the relay-side of the resistor.
Transistor Installation Notes: The N/14 Switch
Unit is located just behind the ANT RF connector on the
rear panel. The small access panel on the bottom, rear
of the radio is removed to gain access to the N/14
Switch Unit. Two chassis-ground connections and one
center pin connection must be unsoldered from the RF
connector before the Switch Unit can be removed. Unplug
the three connectors, remove the two sheet metal screws,
and lift out the Switch Unit. Unsolder and remove RY2,
D16, and the white jumper-wire and the pin that it plugs
into. Install one 1k Ohm resistor each in place of D16
and in place of the jumper-wire and its pin. The
transistor will solder in place of the relay if its full
length leads are bent to fit the available holes. The
emitter goes to common-ground, as does the trace to J30,
pin4 [CMC], the ground return for the relay control
circuit. The base lead connects to the trace that goes
to R2 {D16} and C37. The collector solders to the trace
that connects to J30, pin 2 [TXC].
Problem: Poor skirt selectivity on AM.
Fix: The unsatisfactory, stock, TS-440S AM
filter, CF2, can be directly replaced with the better
performing, AM-narrow, 6KHz filter from the Trio-Kenwood
R-1000 receiver. The part number of this filter is
L72-0319-05 and the price is $9.10 {Dec 1989}. It is
available as a replacement part. Even though the better
filter has more pin connections and is physically larger
than the original filter, the IF Unit printed circuit
board was designed to accept either AM filter. The
design engineers must have realized that some people
would want to install a good AM filter.
CF2 is a small, black, cube-shaped plastic component
at the rear of the IF Unit just slightly to the right of
left-to-right circuit board center. No realignment is
necessary after the AM filter is replaced.
Maintenance: The VFO tuning knob should be
removed, after loosening the 1.5mm hex-socket set-screw,
and the tuning shaft's bushing-bearing should be
lubricated with a modern semi-synthetic lubricant like
Break Free or Tri Flow. The quantity of lubricant used
should be small and the radio should be tipped back to
help the lubricant run down into the bushing-bearing.
This should be done once when the radio is new and
roughly every 4-years thereafter.
Double-sideband modification for the TS-440S
Occasionally, it may become advantageous to use
double-sideband-transmit and single-sideband receive
mode in order to thwart the efforts of radio sociopaths
who are gratified by interfering with others.
DSB-xmit/SSB-RX mode gives the non-interfering stations
the option of listening to the sideband that has the
least amount of interference.
To install DSB capability in the TS-440S, the audio
processor switch is rewired so that when the switch is
depressed, the carrier is removed from the AM transmit
signal. Without a carrier, AM becomes DSB. {The DSB
modification will disable the less-than-worthless
audio-PROCessor in the TS-440S.}
The modification: On the IF Unit [the top board]
locate R179, which is between IC4 and Connector 21 at
the front, left of the circuit board. Remove R179 and
connect a jumper wire from the right hand, empty
solder-pad hole on the circuit board [collector of Q41]
to the junction of D45 and R196, which is straight back
on the circuit board, just to the left of IC5; about 4cm
from the rear of the circuit board.
To enable DSB transmit/SSB receive, "SPLIT" operation
is utilized:
- Program VFO A=B.
- Program VFO A for either USB or LSB, depending
on which one has the least interference.
- Program VFO B for AM and push the PROC [DSB]
switch in to remove the AM carrier.
- Select VFO A.
- Program SPLIT operation. The 440 will now listen
on VFO A and transmiton VFO B.
- Set the carrier control straight up to position
#5 [12 o'clock].
- While transmitting, adjust the MIC gain control
for a small amount of ALC. This keeps the DSB
bandwidth to a minimum.
While listening [VFO A], it may be necessary to
select the sideband that has the least amount of
interference. If your friends are also transmitting on
DSB, you may be able to continue communicating, despite
the efforts of those who would like to spoil the
enjoyment of others.
>>>DSB should not be used unless the other
sideband is vacant. If the interfering station or
stations can cause the group that they are interfering
with to interfere with a third group, it will definitely
make their day.
Most jammers enjoy being talked about, either
positively of negatively. This is why they usually
switch back and forth between receive and transmit. If
you want a jammer to stick around, talk about him.
Stupid insults usually work best. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) mod for
improved receive sensitivity of 0.5 to 1.6MHz
TS440S mod for increasing sensitivity on the MW AM broadcast band:
(Removes MW attenuator pad). The TS440S has an attenuation pad hard
wired on the spectrum between 500KHz and 1600KHz. You can open up
sensitivity by removing it. On the RF unit board, clip a lead on R13 68
ohms), clip a lead on R14 (68 ohms), and solder a jumper across R12 (220
ohms). These are under a shield held down by screws on the RF board.
I've noticed no intermod problems and only the strongest stations
(above S + 40) overload (which can be solved by using the front panel
attenuator button).
Proceed at your own risk. |
The VCO and active low pass filter are sealed in
synthetic rubber to mechanically stabilize them during
mobile operation. Over a period of several years, the
rubber's insulation properties can break down. This may
be caused be repeated temperature variations. This can
cause the VCO to vary in frequency which will force the
loop to unlock or cause the audio to warble.
This modification will correct or prevent an unlock
caused be VCO #5.
Required parts:
2SC2459(BL) Transistor QTY. 2
1SV153 Varactor diode QTY. 1
- Disconnect the power supply and antenna.
- Remove the top and bottom covers. Do not damage
the speaker wires when removing the top cover.
- Remove the two screws from the rear of the IF
unit and raise the unit to expose the PLL board.
- Remove the 8 screws from the PLL board and
disconnect all the cables going to the board.
- Remove the board from the transceiver.
- Remove the shield cover from VCO #5. Desolder
and remove the shield from the PLL board.
- Carefully remove the synthetic rubber from the
area of Q34, Q35, and D14. The rubber must be picked
off the board with pointed tweezers or some other
tool. It cannot be removed with any type of solvent
as this will harm the components in the area.
- Desolder and remove Q34, Q35, and D14 from the
PLL board.
- Check the component side of the board to make
sure all the rubber in the area of Q34, Q35, and D14
is removed.
- Once the rubber is removed, replace Q34, Q35 and
D14 with new components.
- Inspect and resolder the foil side of the PLL
board under VCO #5.
- Install the VCO shield on the PLL board and
solder it in place.
- Seal the VCO with hot melt glue (glue stick used
in a hot melt glue gun). Apply the glue to the
circuit from the glue gun. Once the area i covered,
use the hot air gun to flow the glue around the
components. Do not overheat the components.
- Install the PLL board in the transceiver.
- Apply power to the transceiver and allow it to
run in receive for about a half hour so the
transceiver's temperature stabilizes.
- Set the operating frequency to 14.200 MHz.
- Adjust T20 to obtain 5 Vdc at TP11 (the exposed
lead of L40) measured with a DVM or VTVM. Do not use
a VOM. After adjusting the VCO, bench run the
transceiver for an hour or more to make sure the
circuit is stable.
- Assemble the transceiver.
Time required to perform this modification is 1 hour
or less. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) PLL unlock due
to VCO #1
The TS-440S Control unit supplies band information to four circuits in
the transceiver. The circuits are the receiver front end Band Pass
Filter (BPF), the antenna tuner (AT), the transmitter Low Pass Filter (LPF),
and the VCO circuits on the RF board that are part of PLL #1.
There are ten receiver front end BPFs that are diode switched into
operation. If one of the diodes (D4-D23) becomes shorted or leaky, the
band information is felt at two BPFs at one time. The voltage going
through the bad diode will loop back to the VCO circuit, antenna tuner
circuit, and LPF circuit.
The unwanted voltage will then create one or more of the following
- PLL unlock (the transceiver only displays decimals).
- No antenna tuner operation.
- Low receiver sensitivity.
- Low or no transmit power output.
- Distorted transmit audio.
- RF feedback.
The most common symptom is the PLL unlock. To test the diodes, remove
the large shield on the RF board to expose the BPF circuits. Reset the
transceiver by holding in the A=B button as power is turned on. Even if
the display only shows decimals, only the BPF for 14 MHz should be
turned on. Using a DC voltmeter, measure the voltage at coils L11, L15,
L21, L28, L34, L40, L46, L52, L58, and L62. Only coil L52 should measure
8 Vdc. The other coils should read 0 Vdc. If one reads 0.5 - 8 Vdc,
replace the two diodes in that BPF circuit.
Coil/Diode/frequency range relationship:
L11 D4 D5 0 - 0.5 MHz L15 D6 D7 0.5 - 1.6 MHz
L21 D8 D9 1.6 - 2.5 MHz L28 D10 D11 2.5 - 4 MHz
L34 D12 D13 4 - 6 MHz L40 D14 D15 6 - 7.5 MHz
L46 D16 D17 7.5 - 10.5 MHz L52 D18 D19 10.5 - 14.5 MHz
L58 D20 D21 14.5 - 22 MHz L62 D22 D23 22 - 30 MHz
Replacement diode part number
1S2588 or 1SS91S: D4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
BA282 D5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
Time required to perform this modification is 1 hour or less. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Intermittent
When intermittent problems such as erratic display, loss of front panel
control, or frequency lock-up are encountered, the PLL and Control
circuits must be checked to determine which circuit is malfunctioning.
While any number of components may cause such problems, if the Control
circuit is suspect, there is a possibility that the ROM socket is at
fault. The socket should be tested to determine if it is making good
electrical contact with each pin on the ROM. If it is found to be
defective, remove the socket and solder the ROM directly to the board.
The ROM is IC52 on Control unit (B/2). It should be noted that units
with serial number of 909xxxx and above do not incorporate a socket.
Removing the socket requires good soldering skills. The ROM is
mounted on the Digital A unit and is designated as IC2. The board, being
double sided, has solder connections on both component and foil sides.
When the socket is removed, it is very important to insure that each pin
is completely solder free. Having to pry up on the socket means that it
is not completely desoldered and will cause the circuit foils to tear.
When performing any work on the Control boards, CMOS handling
techniques must be observed. Such techniques include using a grounded or
isolated soldering tip, avoid touching the pins of IC chips with your
fingers, and ground yourself with a wrist ground strap.
To remove the socket:
- Disconnect the power supply and antenna.
- Remove both the top and bottom covers from the transceiver.
Disconnect the speaker cable from the transceiver.
- Remove 2 countersunk screws from each side of the front panel
chassis and gently pull the front panel forward.
- Loosen the 5 round head screws (2 on top and 3 on the bottom)
that secure the shield plate inside the front panel and then remove
the plate.
- Set the transceiver on its left side and fold the front panel
back to expose Control board (B/2). Do not stress the cables.
- While avoiding contact with the pins, remove the ROM (IC52) and
set it aside on anti-static foam.
- Unplug connectors 56 - 58 from Control board (B/2).
- Remove 3 brass screws from Control board (B/2). Do not remove
the fourth screw that connects to the angle bracket. Instead, remove
the brass screw from the Control board (A/2) so the angle bracket
stays with the top board.
- Fold the top board towards the body of the transceiver. Be very
careful not to stress the flat ribbon cables that are soldered
between the two boards.
If the foil side of the board id not sufficiently exposed for
desoldering purposes, remove the 3 hex bosses from the bottom Control
board. Pull both boards forward and open them like a book to allow the
best access to the foil side of Control board (B/2).
- Carefully desolder the socket and remove it from the board. Do
not pry up on the socket. If it does not easily pull off the board,
the top foils are still soldered to the socket.
- Install the ROM in the board and solder it in place.
- Assemble the transceiver by reversing steps 1 - 9. If the bottom
board was removed, do not pinch the wire harness under the board
during installation. If the harness produces excessive stress on the
board, solder connections may become intermittent.
This modification may be covered under warranty during the warranty
Time required for this modification is 1.5 hour or less. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) SSB
Hello TS 440 user.
The last few weeks I've seen questions of how to make the power in SSB
mode for the TS440S adjustable without changing the Mic-Gain. It's a
very easy job to do.
Take off the top cover of the rig.
At that moment you have a sight on the first unit (IF-Unit)
Than you have to look for Diode 49.
You will find Diode 49 at about 5 CM from the backend of the unit and
about 6,5 CM from the leftside of the unit.
Just next of C138 and between plug 38? (red/orange wires) and plug 26
(black-cover/blank wires) Just cut that Diode 49,bend one part a little
away and leave the part's where they are. It's the best way to do I
Replace the topcover.
From now on it is possible to adjust only the power in SSB mode by just
turning the CARRIER Control at the front of your rig and leave the Mic-gain
for where it is.
Turning counterclock will minimize the power until a 20mW or something
like that.
Because most TS440 users have'nt used their carrier control that much I
think it's better to pull off the MIC/CAR knobs and spray some contact
cleaner in the shafts. (I know,it's not the best way).
When you switch your rig into the CW mode you can adjust the power in
what you like,switch the mode in to USB or LSB and if it is correct the
power will not come above the level that what you have adjusted in the
CW mode.
Just simple , is'nt it?
Of course you will do this all in your own responsibility because I
won't take any!!! Agree? |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S)
Digital Audio Modification
Please be very careful with your transcievers, and we
accept no responsiablity for any damage that may be
incurred, and this modification may, and proably would
be cause for any WARENTY to be DISCONTINUED.
This Modification allows for the Kenwood TS-440s
transceiver to have the data audio on PIN 11 of the 13
pin DIN connector ACC JACK 2. Later models may or maynot
have a correction for this, but my PK-232, or for that
fact NONE of my TNC's would drive the audio to the PIN
11 of ACC JACK 2. Encountering this problem, and having
another H.F. transceiver I have been using the REMOTE
connector, and using an audio input to the AFSK IN RCA
type connector. This would allow me to use the same
cable with my TS-180s also. Anyway this modification
moves the wire's from the AFSK IN to the ACC 2
connector. This should only take about 20 to 30 minutes
to preform this change, and most of the time is used up
with the removal, and replacement of the THREE covers of
the transceivers cabinet.
The circuit boards to work with, are called:
DISPLAY UNIT (X54-1870-00) (C/4) This has the ACC 2
SWITCH UNIT (X41-1610-00) (M/14) This has the AFSK
The eaiest way is to remove these two boards 4 screws
hold the ACC 2 JACK, and 2 screws hold the AFSK INPUT
board in and they are located at the rear of the
transceiver. If you are interested in following the
SCEHMATIC in your manual, the leads you will be working
with are ANI, and GROUND which is the PURPLE LEADS, and
the FSI lead and GROUND, which are the GREEN leads.
The problem is that when kenwood designed this rig, they
brought the DATA INPUT(ANI) from the ACC2 JACK to
connector J25 of the IF UNIT.
This coming in after the Processor, and Microphone
Amplifier does not allow sufficent amplification of the
signal, thus very low, or no audio at all. What this
modification does is swap at the rear of the RIG the
FSI, and ANI signals, Which also could be done on the IF
UNIT board, and for some may actually be eaiser. In my
case the leads were just a bit too short to allow this
modification to be accomplished on the IF UNIT.
- Be shure to have on a work bench, and NO POWER
- Remove the TWO BOTTOM covers, One MAIN cover,
and the smaller cover to the REAR of the
- Remove the TOP cover.
- Remove the FOUR screws holding the AUTOMATIC
- Place the transceiver on it's side with the
BOTTOM towards you, and the FRONT to your LEFT.
- Being very careful, remove the antenna tuner and
allow it to hang.
- Remove the TWO SCREWS that HOLD the AFSK INPUT
- Remove the FOUR SCREWS that HOLD the ACC 2 JACK
- Carefully from the inside of the transceiver,
pull these TWO boards out.
- Near the Bottom edge of the ACC 2 JACK board, is
a TWO lead connettor, unplug this. The leads should
- On the AFSK INPUT board, there is a 6 PIN
connector, unplug this. The leads you will be
working with are GREEN in color.
- Note how the PURPLE leads are connected to the
connector itself, and remove these two leads by
inserting a very small screwdriver into the slot on
side, and being very gental, push the leads out one
at a time.
- Now remove the GREEN leads the same manor.
- Insert the GREEN leads into the 2 PIN connector,
the BLAC lead is the GROUND, and the WHITE or
perhaps YELLOW is the AUDIO lead.
- Insert the PURPLE leads into the 6 PIN
connector, noting that the smaller lead is the AUDIO
lead, and it connects to PIN 2, the other lead,
being BLACK goes into PIN 1.
- Now reassemble in reverse order the BOARDS, and
start at STEP 11, and work in reverse to STEP 1.
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Fan Temperature
I don't know about you, but I don't think solid state equipment needs to
run hot enough to fry an egg on. The fan on the 440 is set to come on at
50 deg C. That makes the heatsink hot enough that you can only put your
hand on it for about 3 seconds without being in pain.
Looking at the schematic and pondering the situation, I decided that it
would be quite easy to change the "trigger" point for fan operation.
This mod will do just that and not effect the "high-temp-shutdown" mode
that is provided in case the fan dies. Actually, it wouldn't be a bad
idea to make the same sort of mod to that circuit too, but let's just do
this one for now. I'll put out another bulletin on this if I go into the
failsafe circuit.
The fan is controlled by two sensing circuits on the FINAL UNIT. On the
schematic, Q9(1/2) is the failsafe trigger that activates the powerdown
circuit in case the final reaches 80 deg C. It won't normally do this,
even under continuous keydown conditions, unless the fan has failed.
Q9(2/2) is the stage that controls operation of the fan. It is a simple
voltage comparator and therefore can be made to trigger wherever you
TH1 is a thermistor with a negative coefficient. That is, when the temp
rises, the resistance goes down. This pulls the - input to Q9(2/2) lower
and lower until it is at or below the 2.26v reference that is present on
the + input of the same stage. At that point, the output flips high and
turns on Q8, thus turning on the fan. By raising the reference voltage
at the + input, the TH1 voltage will fall to the reference voltage
sooner and turn on the fan at a cooler temperature. By clipping the top
loop of R27 on the final unit (2.2k res. that provides reference
voltage) and temporarily inserting a 5k precision multi-turn pot in
series with it, I determined that I liked the way it operated with about
800 ohms extra resistance in the circuit.
I then installed an 820 ohm fixed resistor in series with the cut loop.
I also put a very small dab of silicon seal between the new "hung"
resistor and the ferrite transformer right next to it so that there
would be no added strain on the remains of R27. The alternative would be
to remove the final unit completely and do the mod the right way,
replacing the complete R27 with a 3k resistor. This was a step that I
didn't really want to perform on a two week old rig. When you choose
your series resistance, remember that the more resistance you add to it,
the sooner the fan will turn on. If you go too high, it will be on all
the time.
This modification brings the fan on at least 10 deg. earlier. By the
way, my only reservation about this mod is the added wear and tear on
the fan unit itself. I have been buying parts from Kenwood for about 10
years now and they have always seemed remarkably inexpensive. Ordering a
spare fan to have on hand seems like a very reasonable thing to do if
you are worried about it. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Possible cure
for TS440 showing dots only on display
The most common reason for the the display to show only dots, is that
one of the phase locked loops is not locked. So take of the top cover.
You will be looking at the IF unit. This board is mounted in a hinged
frame. It hinges on two screws near the front pannel sides. So remove
the other two screws near the final unit instead and hinge the IF board
towards you. You now uncovered the PLL unit.
There are five PLL's on this board. Each one has a pin indicating if its
loop is locked or not. So get out a volt meter and set it for 5 volts
full scale. Now check pin 2 for each of the following IC's. IC18, IC1,
IC4, IC9.
Also check pin 7 of IC17. If all the loops are locked, you would see a
steady voltage there in the neighbourhood of 4.7 volts. If any of the
loops is not locked, one of these pins has a voltage well below 1 volt.
Note the IC number so you can look up which VCO you may have to tune a
bit so it will lock again.
IC18 VCO#5 T20
IC1 VCO#4 T1
IC4 VCO#3 T2
IC9 VCO#2 T9
The above are all located on the PLL board.
The VCO for IC17 is actualy one out of four different VCO's selected on
the RF board. Which one of these depends on what band is selected.
If you have display dots on all the bands, then you have no problem with
the PLL made up with IC17. So you only have to adjust either T1, T2, T9
or T20.
Now here it goes. Make sure you have an alignment tool that isn't to
small or to large for the slots in the slugs in the coils (T1, T2, etc.)
Also, absolutely don't turn any other coil than the one that belongs to
the unlocked PLL. If you do so anyway without a service manual and
proper equip- ment, then you are likely stupid.
Only turn the indicated slug. First turn it 1/4 clock wise and see if it
is ok now. If not, turn it 1/4 counter clockwise and see if it works. I
suggest that you don't try more than one half turn either way. If you
think that it needs to go that far, it likely has an other problem.
If the display dot problem only shows up on some but not all band, send
me a note and I will see if I can help you.
The correct way would be to use a good voltmeter and follow the service
manual for this adjustment. But in most cases, the above will do fine. I
don't work for Kwood, I don't have a 440. Just a service manual for one.
But I did cure some of the above problems. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Undocumented
The TS440 is nice. Here's what I've found out about it that isn't in the
operation manual (in some random order):
Diode options: There are a bunch of configuration options controlled by
clipping or inserting diodes on the back of the control board. You get
to it by taking the top and bottom covers off (a bunch of silver
screws), loosening the front panel (4 flat-head silver screws, NOT the
black ones). Then you have:
diode controls in out (cut)
----- -------- ---------- ----------
D65 mode confirmation Morse single beep
D66 display resolution 100 Hz 10 Hz
D67 memory protect none on
D73 CW shift 800 Hz 400 Hz
D78 WARC 24MHx band tx disabled enabled
D79 WARC 18MHz band tx disabled enabled
D80 General Coverage tx disabled enabled

Self-Test: You can run a rather complete test of the control logic by
the built-in "semi-self-test", a series of 56 routines. To run this,
turn the unit on whilst holding the AM and T-F SET switches pushed in.
It changes to the next test when you turn the VFO knob clockwise. Turn
the power OFF to reset the unit.
Test What it does
---- ---------------------------------------------------
0 all positions in display light
1 all segments in display dark
2 all positions in display light
3 all segments in display dark
4 one digit lighted (rightmost)
5 next digit lighted
6 next digit lighted
7 next digit lighted
8 next digit lighted
9 next digit lighted
10 next digit lighted
11 next digit lighted
12 next digit lighted
13 next digit lighted
14 next digit lighted
15 next digit lighted
16 next digit lighted (leftmost)
17 beeper sounds
18 beeper silent
19 all mode LEDs ON
20 all mode LEDs OFF
21 receive
22 transmit
The following tests change internal signals. They are most useful if you
are trying to trace the circuits controlled by these signals.
You'll need a s service manual (or at least a schematic) to made reals
sense of these.
23 Band select - all lines high
24 BAND select - all lines low
25 PD select - all lines high
26 PD select - all lines low
27 ENF select - all lines high
28 ENF select - all lines low
29 ENP select - a:ll lines high
30 ENP select - all lines low
31 RES select - all lines high
32 RES select - all lines low
33 CO select - all lines high
34 CO select - all lines low
35 AX select - all lines high
36 AX select - all lines low
these next tests check the outputs of the 8255 parallel port interfaces,
which select several internal functions.
37 (IC2) port A all lines high
38 (IC2) port A all lines low
39 (IC2) port B all lines high
40 (IC2) port B all lines low
41 (IC2) port C0-C3 high, C4-C7 low
42 (IC2) port C0-C3 low, C4-C7 high
43 (IC53) port C all lines high
44 (IC53) port C all lines low
Following display busy lines and scan lines in the rightmost 9 digits of
the display. You will push buttons to cause the digit to change from a 1
to a 0 indicating that the associated button has been pushed.
test bit8 bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
46 (none)
47 (key scanner)
48 1 6 V/M VOICE
49 2 7 M>V RIT A/B
51 4 9 M.IN T-Fset A=B dip3 dip4 dip5
52 5 0 CLEAR 1Mhz dip1 dip2 dip6 dip7
53 ENT DOWN UP dip8 dip9 dip10
(the digits 0-9 are on the front panel keyboard; dip2-dip10 are the
segments of S50, the SSB frequency response dipswitch on the rear of the
control unit printed circuit board.)
54 not used
55 not used
56 END |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Serial
The TS440 has a serial ASCII interface option. You have to insert two
chips into sockets on the back of the control unit circuit board to take
advantage of this. IC54 is an 8251A Uart, and IC55 is a CD4040 divider.
These chips are available from Kenwood together with a interface manual,
or you can buy them at your local chip shop for about $6.00 or so. When
inserted, the transceiver speaks 4800 baud ascii in/out the 6-pin DIN
connector ACC-1 on the rear. The signals are from the 8251, but are
inverted in a 74LS04 and RFI filtered before being brought out to the
world. An interface box with inverter, RFI filter, power supply, opto-isolator,
RS232 level shifters, and power supply is available from Kenwood for
about $49.00, or you can build your own.
(Depending on how much your computer radiates and how sensitive to RF it
is, you may only need 5v, +/-12v, a 74LS14, MC1488, and MC1489. If your
computer has a TTL level serial port, perhaps all you'll need is the
74LS14. If you're not confident of being able to solve the possible
digital/RF interface problems yourself, the $49 interface is proably a
good buy.)
ACC-1 Serial Interface
pin signal
--- ----------------------------------------------------
1 signal ground
2 data from transceiver
3 data to tranceiver
4 cts to transceiver - computer can throttle output
5 cts to computer - transceiver can throttle input
6 no connection
SSB frequency response dipswitch: located on the back of the control
unit, this adjusts the frequency response of the upper and lower
sideband modulators to compensate for component variations. Changing it
isn't a good idea, since you have to have a two-tone oscillator and have
to reset the carrier suppression adjustment if you do. The service
manual explains this process; I'm including this here so that people who
have been wondering what the dipswitch does won't screw themselves by
flipping switches to see what happens. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) A few
adjustments you should know
A few adjustments you should know about (read the service manual before
you tweak wildly on these!):
tweaker what it does
------- -----------------------------------------------
RF-VR3 FM Microphone Gain
RF-VR6 FM Deviation - set to 4.6KHz on dev meter
IF-VR2 S-meter zero - set to zero with 50 ohm dummy load
IF-VR3 S-meter S9 - set to S9 with 40dbu input 14.175MHz USB
IF-VR4 Squelch threshold - close at 12 o'clock with
mode = CW and filter WIDE
IF-VR9 CW side tone level - as you like it
IF-VR10 Beep tone level - as you like it
Someone wanted to know what the difference between the DATA connections
on ACC-2 and the AFSK connectors was. On output, none; the AFSK and the
DATA out pin on ACC-2 are connected together, and are fed from the high
side of the volume control - they are receiver audio BEFORE the cw
sidetone, beeper, and voice response unit are mixed in, and should be a
constant level independent of the AF gain setting. The AFSK input is
different from the DATA IN connection; AFSK and microphone signals both
go through the mike preamp and speech processor; the DATA input bypasses
both. The MIC GAIN pot does control all three input levels.
(as a note, you can tap preamped/processed audio OUT of the DATA IN
connection, since it is just a tap on the output of the
preamp/processor. This is also the feed into the FM modulator. But NOTE
that the MIC GAIN pot doesn't adjust the mic gain on FM - there is a
separate tweaker for that.) |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) modification
to use antenna tuner
Remove case from rig. Remove (4) screws that holds antenna tuner in
place. Next slide antenna tuner out to get to the coax connections.
Remove the in coax attached to antenna tunerfrom FO connector on filter
unit (X51-1340-00). Remove coax from out connector on antenna tuner and
install in FO CONNECTOR ON FILTER UNIT. Unplug and remove switch unit
(X41-1610-00 N-14) from rig.
Remove short wire from antenna connector to PC BOARD. Cut coax on the in
connector of antenna tuner in half and connect cut end to switch unit PC
BOARD Where short antenna wire was removed and shield to ground. Solder
other half of coax to antenna connector and shield to ground, and plug
other end into out conector of antenna tuner. Your still have control of
antenna tuner with auto and thru switch. It works very well. Maybe
someone can use this idea. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) display
I found there was some shift in the reference oscillator frequency of my
TS-440S. This can be noticed and corrected as follows:
- Remove the top and bottom covers from thd radio.
- Do not disconnect the speaker cable.
- Connect the supplied calibration cable between RF Unit and PLL
unit, as shown in "Kenwood TS-440S Instruction Manual" on Page 24 in
Section 5-8-3.
- Set VFO A to 10.001.00 MHz LSB and VFO B to 9.999.00 MHz USB.
- Pushing the A/B function button, you can have different audio
signals, if that 36 MHz reference oscillator is miwadjusted.
- Using a small flat bladed scredriver, adjust trimmer capacitor
TC1, near connector 8 of the PLL Unit (the location shown in
Instruction Manual in the same section as above) until those audio
frequencies from VFO's A and B are equal.
- Disconnect the calibration cable and reassemble the radio. This
procedure can be done by ear with good accuracy without any
measuring equipment. WWV is too weak here in Finland to use it as
comparative signal for the procedured described in "Instruction
Manual", Section 5-8-3.
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Connection to a
Connection of the KENWOOD TS440S to a DATA terminal such as a Kantronics
KAM using the rear ACC2 13 pin jack.
____ 4 3 2 1
GROUND ___ |
|____ 8 7 6 5
|___ 12 11 10 9____________
/ |
MIC ____________/ 13 |
| |
| |
\_/ \_/
===== =====
| |
Pins | Application
3 Data output - not used as the level is very low
the prefered connection is via the speaker output
this also allows fine adjustment of level to
enable best decoding. (A switch on the speaker to
'mute' it when required is a good idea.)
4 Ground - you may have to experiment with these
8 connections to eliminate RF feedback and noise.
12 Here they are all strapped.
9 Mic mute - prevents audio pickup from the mic when
earthed. By connecting to the PTT line as shown
through a diode automatically MUTES the mic when
using data. When the front panel PTT or MIC PTT
are used the microphone is 'live'.
13 Standby - PTT which when taken to ground puts the set
'on air'. By connecting through a diode as shown
doesn't affect the PTT operation but allows auto
mic muting.
The diodes used can be virtually anything, here they are IN4148.
The INPUT audio to pin 11 must be quite a high level. If using a KAM you
are certainly going to have to change the HF LEVEL JUMPER in the KAM.
The level of the KAM as shipped suites connection to the FRONT PANEL MIC
but not the rear connector, you can however correct this with the
jumper. People using the PK232 have complained of NO TX AUDIO, I suspect
the level is so low that only local minitoring will show a level
present. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Computer
Interface Instruction
These Instructions are TS-440 specific, but the basics also apply to the
TS-940, TS-811 and TS-711.
It is possible to save yourself a few dollars and lose nothing in
quality by buying the parts to upgrade your Kenwood radio for computer
control. Just purchase the parts were you find them and install them
using the instructions in the Radio's Manual.
IC 54 is a uPD-8251-AC Serial Communications Interface.
Commonly called an 8251A ($1.89 Mail Order)
IC 55 is a TC-4040-BP 12 Stage CMOS Divider.
Commonly called a 4040 ($0.69 Mail Order)
The IC-10 Interface Kit from Kenwood Contains ONLY these two parts and
less instructions than are in this file. The only thing you are going to
miss, is the $22+ price tag on the IC-10 Kit.
Signals are TTL levels (NOT RS-232)
Baud rate is 4800 (1200 Opt.)
Format is ASCII Serial; 1 Start, 8 Data, 2 Stops
The Baud rate may be changed to 1200 Baud by removing jumper W50 and
installing a jumper from the left pad to the center pad as viewed from
the front of the radio. This will become obvious once you have the radio
opened up. Many other Baud rates are possible, just look at the
As long as you are in the radio, lift D-66 to enable the 10 Hz. display.
The main tuning knob is varing this digit, so you might as well see it.
It also helps when using RIT/XIT as the RIT/XIT display does not resolve
the 0.01 KHz. digit. This Modification is in the Radio's Book.
Not in the book is the fact that if you lift D-80 and do an MPU reset,
you will be able to transmit on any frequency between 1.5 and 30.0 MHz.
This means you will be able to work the Mars nets, Etc. Do not transmit
out of band. It is illegal even if it is accidental.
Some computers use TTL levels on their serial ports. If so, here is a
time when you will not have to convert it to RS-232.
The IF-232 Interface from Kenwood is a 1488 and a 1489 chip in a box.
These are an RS-232 Quad Line Driver and Receiver and are available at
Radio Shack for $1.29 Each. Here is an easy project that will save you a
lot over the $69+ Kenwood price of the IF-232 Interface. The 1488 needs
a + and - supply.
Unregulated + and - 12vdc is just fine. Get the +5 vdc for the 1489 by
putting a 7805 regulator on the +12 vdc supply. 100 mA.
is about the max you'll draw, so the smallest transformer you can find
will still be plenty large. Don't forget to series up two of each gate
to cancel the inversion that the 1480's produce.
ACC-1 Connector Use a 6 Pin DIN Connector.
(Radio Shack $1.29)
Pin Signal Comments
1 Gnd Signal Ground
2 TXD Serial Data from Radio to Computer
3 RXD Serial Data from Computer to Radio
4 CTS Computer Ready; (Radio Input)
5 RTS Radio Ready; (Radio Output)
6 No Connection
Pins 4 and 5 may be left Unconnected.
***** Command Description for Kenwood Computer Interface *****
Auto Information
The Radio Will Send the Status Info Automatically
Whenever the Operator Manually Varies any Function
on the Radio which is Covered in the IF; Command
Where n = 0 for Auto Info OFF
1 for Auto Info On
The Status Information Will be Sent in the Form :
As defined in the IF; Command
Display Memory
This is a Factory Diagnostic Function
and is of no practical use to the operator
The Contents of the MPU Memory will be Read
Where nnnn = MPU Address (0000 Thru FFFF (HEX))
The Contents of the MPU Memory Will be Sent in the Form :
Where nnnn = MPU Address (0000 Thru FFFF (HEX))
aa~~kk = Hex Number Pairs Of Next 16 Locations
The Frequency or Memory Channel
Will Decrement One Step
Frequency VFO A / VFO B Request
The Frequency in the Selected VFO Will be Read
The Frequency Will be Sent in the Form:
FAggmmmkkkhhh; or
Where gg = GHz. Value
mmm = MHz. Value
kkk = kHz. Value
hhh = Hz. Value
Frequency VFO A / VFO B Select
The VFO Selected Will be Set to the Frequency Defined
Where gg = GHz. Value (May be sent As 00 or Spaces)
mmm = MHz. Value
kkk = kHz. Value
hhh = Hz. Value
Function Select
The Function Defined Will be Selected
Where n = 0 for VFO A
1 for VFO B
2 for MEMORY
Identify Model Request
The Model of the Radio Will be sent in the Form :
Where : n = 1 for a TS-940 (*)
n = 2 for a TS-811 (*)
n = 3 for a TS-711 (*)
n = 4 for a TS-440
Read Information Request
The Status Information Will be Sent in the Form :
IFggmmmkkkhhh snnnzrx yytdfcp
Where gg~~hhh = Value as defined in FA Command
s = "+" or "-" Value of RIT/XIT
nnn = Value of RIT/XIT (n.nn kHz.)
z = "0" (Not Used in TS-440)
r = Value as defined in RT Command
x = Value as defined in XT Command
yy = Memory Channel No.
t = 0 for Receive
1 for Transmit
d = Value as defined in MD Command
f = Value as defined in FN Command
c = Value as defined in SC Command
p = Value as defined in SP Command
Lock Knob
The Manual Frequency Control Functions Will be Disabled
Where n = 0 for Lock OFF
1 for Lock ON
Memory Channel Select
The Memory Channel Defined Will be Selected
Where: x = Don't Care (Use "0" or Space)
mm = Memory Channel No. (00 thru 99)
Mode Select
The Mode Defined Will Be Selected
Where: n = 1 for LSB
2 for USB
3 for CW
4 for FM
5 for AM
6 for FSK
Memory Read
The Memory Channel Defined Will be Read
Where: n = 0 for RX VFO
1 FOR TX VFO (Split Channels Only)
x = Don't Care (Use "0" or Space)
rr = Memory Channel No. (00 thru 99)
The Memory Information will be sent in the Form :
MRn rrggmmmkkkhhhdz ;
Where: n = 0 for RX VFO
1 FOR TX VFO (Split Channels Only)
rr = Memory Channel No. (00 thru 99)
gg~~hhh = Value as defined in FA Command
d = Value as defined in MD Command
z = "0" (Not Used in TS-440)
(Note: Four trailing Spaces)
Memory Write
The Memory Selected Will be Set to the Frequency Defined
Where: n = 0 for RX VFO
1 for TX VFO (Split Channels Only)
x = Don't Care (Use "0" or Space)
rr = Memory Channel No. (00 thru 99)
gg~~hhh = Value as defined in FA Command
d = Value as defined in MD Command
z = "0" (Not Used in TS-440)
The RIT/XIT will be set to 0.00 kHz.
The RIT/XIT will Decrement by 0.01 KHz. (10 Hz.)
The RIT/XIT will Increment by 0.01 KHz. (10 Hz.)
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) increase the
power by ALC control
This article also tells how to increase the power of the TS-440 by
adjusting the internal ALC control. The procedure is applicable to other
Illustration captions:
- Remove 17 screws holding on the bottom and top covers. The
bottom cover comes off, and the top cover is carefully removed and
put next to the radio. It is till connected via the speaker wire.
- Gain access to the front of the unit by removing two top side
screws and loosening two bottom side screws. This allows the front
assembly to swing open.
- Remove the shiny silver control board protection plate. This
requires removing two screws on the top and three screws on the
bottom. Lift the plate out completely. Locate diode D-80 in the
bottom left-hand corner. Snip it for all-band transmit.
- Now locate D-66 and snip. It adds 10 Hertz readout to your
digital frequency display.
- Carefully reassemble the control plate using a magnetized tiny
screwdriver to hold the five tiny screws in place. Don't pinch any
wires. Also, close up the front and replace the top and bottom
covers with 17 screws.
- Connect power. Depress A=B switch and turn on the power
simultaneously. This resets the microprocessor for all-band transmit
and 10 Hz frequency display.
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) with PIN-Diods
Hallo, ts440-owners!
Recently i read about an upgrade for the ts440 concerning the
Originally, there are simple switching types built in. For better high
level performance i decided to replace D2,3,4,5,6,7,...23,68 by the
ECG553 PIN Diode.
The result was not so doubtless positive. i could not really confirm an
advantage. unfortunately, i have no measuring equipment for determining
the intercept point.
But on 40m , where i sometimes have problems using a 160/80/40/30/20m
5-band fullsize dipole, i still suffer intermodulation effects.
I can not really say, if it is much better after the replacement, but
i'm sure, it isn't worse (hi).
Some remarkable progress was the usage of the built-in tuner in the
receiving pass. that really helped espacially on the 10mc band to
overcome the problems of interference.
But best results and a final solution i found in using an external
preselector as described in the cq-dl several times.
That really did it! Of course you need to add on to cinch connectors at
the rear panel.
It is no real problem.
so, my advice:
dodn't modificate the diods or use of the tuner for reception.
The result is too poor compared with that of an external preselector. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Operation with
the MC-85
With some TS-440S transceivers, insufficient modulation may occur when
the MC-85 compression switch is turned on. This may be caused by too
much of a voltage drop across resistor R172 on the IF unit of the
transceiver . If this is found to be the case, change the resistor from
1K ohm to 100 ohms.
Required part
100 Ohm, 1/6 Watt resistor (RD14CB2C101J)
- Disconnect the power supply and antenna from the transceiver.
- Using a #2 Phillips screw driver, remove the 9 screws from the
top cover of the transceiver. Remove the cover and unplug the
speaker wire.
- Locate resistor R172 on the component side of the IF board
(Figure 1).
- Using a #1 Phillips screw driver, remove the 7 screws that
secure the IF unit to the chassis of the transceiver.
- Pull the board up and rotate it towards the front of the
transceiver to expose the foil side of the board.
- Desolder and remove resistor R172 from the board.
- Install and solder the 100 ohm resistor in place of R172.
- Assemble the transceiver by reversing steps 1 - 5.
This modification may be covered under warranty.
Time required for this modification is 0.5 hrs or less. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Notch filter
low frequency improvements
The low frequency attenuation characteristics of the notch filter can be
improved by reducing the input level to the notch filter chip (IC1). To
compensate for the loss of input level, the amount of negative feedback
to the audio amplifier (IC7) will need to be reduced. This modification
is already incorporated in all models beginning with serial number
Required parts:
120K Ohm, 1/6 Watt resistor ........ RD14CB2C124J
390 Ohm, 1/6 Watt resistor ........ RD14CB2C391J
- Disconnect the power supply and antenna.
- Using a #2 Phillips screw driver, remove the 9 screws from the
top cover. Remove the top cover from the transceiver and unplug the
speaker wire.
- Locate resistors R86 and R229 on the component side of the IF
board (Figure 1).
- Using a #1 Phillips screw driver, remove the 7 screws that
secure the IF unit to the chassis of the transceiver.
- Pull the board up and rotate it towards the front of the
transceiver to expose the foil side of the board.
- Desolder and remove both resistors from the board.
- Install and solder a 102K ohm resistor in place of R86.
- Install and solder a 390 ohm resistor in place of R229.
- Assemble the transceiver by reversing steps 1 - 5.
This is an optional change that may not be performed under warranty.
Time required for this modification is 0.5 hrs or less. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Protecting Q33

If pin 7 (RL) of the remote connector is accidently connected to ground,
current from the 14 volt line (14L) will damage transistor Q33 on the IF
unit. This will prevent the radio from transmitting. To protect Q33, a
4.7 ohm resistor should be installed in series with the RL line on the
foil side of the IF board. In the event that pin 7 is connected to
ground, the resistor will open, but the transceiver will still be
capable of transmitting.
Required part:
4.7 Ohm, 1/6 Watt resistor ........ RD14CB2C4R7J
- Disconnect the power supply and antenna from the transceiver.
- Using a #2 Phillips screw driver, remove the 9 screws from the
top cover of the transceiver. Remove the cover and unplug the
speaker wire.
- Locate connector 19 on the IF unit.
- Using a #1 Phillips screw driver, remove the 7 screws that
secure the IF unit to the chassis of the transceiver.
- Pull the board up and rotate it towards the front of the
transceiver to expose the foil side of the board.
- On the foil side of the board, locate the trace that is
connected to pin 3 (brown wire) of connector 19.
- Using a craft knife, cut the trace comming from pin three so as
to open the foil trace.
- Solder the 4.7 ohm resistor across the now open trace (i.e. in
series with the trace).
- Assemble the transceiver by reversing steps 1 - 5.
This is an optional change that may not be covered under warranty.
Time required for this modification is 0.5 hrs or less. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Case Screws
binding in the heat sink
Occassionally a case screw that fastens to the heat sink of the TS-440S
will cross thread or bind when it is being inserted or removed. Binding
may be caused by tooling marks on the screw or by burrs on the tapped
threads in the heat sink. When a screw starts to bind, DO NOT TRY TO
FORCE IT! as this may cause the head to shear off. If the screw is being
removed and it starts to bind, return the transceiver to KENWOOD. Do not
make attempts to remove the screw. In addition, if a transceiver is
being brought to you with a scrw sheared off, return the unit to
KENWOOD. Do not attempt to drill out the screw.
If a screw starts to bind when it is being installed, carefully back
it out. Inspect the screw for marks or burrs and replace it if it is
questionable. Since the threads in the heat sink may be causing the
screw to bind, they should be cleaned by running a 3 x 0.5 mm tap into
each hole.
The tap is inexpensive and can be obtained at may of the larger hardware
To avoid cross threading, make sure the covers are properly aligned
when they are being installed. Proper alignment means that there is a
clear path for the screw to turn into the heat sink.
This assures that the screw does not rub against the case and result in
it turning into the heat sink at an angle. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) RX Audio Mods
Here's some easy modifications to improve the rx audio fidelity of
Kenwood TS-440's. All references below are to the IF board component
- Increase C60 to a .47uf or 1 uf. This will increase low
frequency response on all modes.
- Decrease C51 to .01 uf. This will increase high frequency
response on SSB/CW.
- Try removing R263 (tacked on the bottom of the board on my early
production unit). This will lower in amplitude the audio coming out
of the detectors and improved the smoothness (a real technical term)
of the audio, especially on AM signals.
And, of course, I take no responsibilty for anything you do to your
radio. Be careful. The IF board on the 440' is about the easiest one to
get at. |
Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S)
Zum Herausführen der 2. ZF von 8,83 MHz genügt ein 33pf
Keramikkondensator An Diode D34/ D36 auf der IF-Unit (X44-1680-00) und
ein Stückchen RG-174 Coaxleitung.
Eine genaue Anleitung findet ihr in der Clubzeitschrift des DARC e.V.
CQDL 11-1991 S.673
Bandscope-Schaltung mit TS-440S und Monitor SM-220
Da ich keine zusätzlichen Löcher bohren wollte, habe ich entgegen der
Anleitung die paar Schrauben mehr gelöst, und die unbeschaltete
Chynchbuchse auf der Rückseite benutzt.
Die Platine mit den Chynchbuchsen ist mit drei Schrauben befestigt, die
Leitungen sind mit Steckverbindern angeschlossen.

Kenwood TS-440S (TS 440 S TS440S) Modifications
in FM mode
FM rx-modification
The TS-440 FM receiver seems to be constructed for 25kHz steps. Using
10kHz steps, the bandwidth is much too wide.
Using the 8.83 MHz filter on the RF board, which is normally bypassed
by FM solved this problem and I got a very useful FM rig, even with the
original F-Type filter.
Required parts: 2 diodes 1N4148
- Disconnect the power supply and antenna from the transceiver.
- Using a #2 Philips screw driver, remove the screws from the
bottom cover. Remove the bottom cover from the transceiver.
- Locate resistor R59 and capacitor C131 on the component side of
the RF board.
- Using a #1 Philips screwdriver, remove the screws that secure
the RF unit to the chassis of the transceiver.
- Remove all plugs still keeping the board in position.
- Pull the board up and rotate it towards the front of the
transceiver to expose the foil side of the board.
- Find the junction of R59 and C131 opposite their ground
- Disconnect R59 from C131 by scratching the track with a sharp
- Install and solder diode A with anode connected to R59 and
cathode connected to C131.
- Install and solder diode B with anode connected to R58/C131 and
cathode connected to C131.
- Remove resistor R57.
- Reassemble the transceiver by reversing the steps 1 to 6.
TS440S |
